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Fortnite Gossamer
Unannounced Project


Fortnite Experience - Gossamer

Game Design

A four-player cooperative zombie shooter experience in Fortnite.


Game Design Deliverables

  • Game Balancing

  • Level Design

  • Verse Scripting




Unannounced Project

Game Design

A Kart Racing Game. More will be revealed soon.


Game Design Deliverables

  • 3Cs (Character, Camera and Control)

  • Racing AI Design

  • System Design, Content and Features

  • Setting up Design and KPI Analytics



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Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes

Game Design

Take control of legendary heroes in a galaxy far away in a turn-based RPG. Collect new characters, upgrade, and become the most powerful rag-tag band of heroes. May the force be with you.


Game Design Deliverables

  • Live Ops Content

  • Galactic Challenges

  • Galactic Conquest​

  • Trained and Led a pod of two designers



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Disney Sorcerer's Arena

Game Design / UX Design

The players take the role of a party comprised of their favourite Disney characters in a turn-based RPG. Collect new characters, upgrade and become the most powerful sorcerer ever. 


Game Design Deliverables

  • RPG Character Design

  • RPG Design Validation

  • Feature Design Validation


UX Design Deliverables

  • UX Breakdown

  • UX Research and Analysis

  • Establishing the UX dissection process

  • A method for validating ideas

  • User Intent-based analysis.​



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Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes
Disney Sorcerer's Arena
Save My House

Save My House

Game Design / UX Design

The players are tasked with fixing and saving different houses in a neighbourhood. They go from house to house, fixing internal objects while earning currency. This currency is then used to fix objects outside the houses in the area.   


Design Role Breakdown

  • Design Core Loop

  • Entire Game Flow

  • UI Flow

  • Balancing Content

  • FTUE Flow

  • Breaking down components for the tech and the art team.


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Game Design

A public engagement and an educational game were developed to spread awareness of Capsule Endoscopy, Crohn's Disease and Bowel Cancer. This project was built in collaboration with researchers from the University of Dundee, the University of Glasgow, Heriot-Watt University and The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.  The game was built for Android.


The game has also received a letter of support from the Dundee Science Center and has the potential to be part of the exhibit.


My Duties included


  • Created and organized design documents. The process of maintaining organized documents educates me on how to maintain a systematic development cycle.


  • Performed presentations and participated in client communication. This helped me attain a greater ability to communicate with the team and clients.


  • Established UI functionality and animations using C# and other tools. An opportunity to code helps me further in my goal to become a versatile designer.


Post Development Analysis: Click Here




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Game / Level Designer, Level Scripting and Lighting

A Short game developed over three months using Unreal Engine 4 in collaboration with BAFTA. Spectrum is a first-person puzzle platformer.


My Duties included

  • Design Levels

  • Designing Game Mechanics

  • Designing In-Game UI

  • Level Lighting

  • Level Event Scripting


Full Design Spec: Click Here

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The Big Five (Research Paper)

The Big Five (Published Paper)

Game Design Researcher

Design a game that is fun and engaging for the user while it deduces the user's personality.  This is a gamification of the principles of "The Big Five" originally proposed by Lewis R. Goldberg. The users playing the game will be participating in a test wherein the game will record their every movement and action to predict their personality. This data will then be compared to a personality assessment questionnaire to obtain personality scores before playing the game.


My Duties include:

  • Designing and Developing a game.

  • Designing background tests based on the Big Five Questionnaire.

  • Validating background tests by cross-examining the data collected from the game against the questionnaire.

  • Conducting Further Tests to assess the personalities of a new group of people.


Full Design Spec: Click Here.

Sniper 3D Rust

Sniper 3D Rust

Game / Level Designer

Planned and Crafted levels for a free to playmobile sniper game in Unity3D called Sniper 3D Rust. I gained experience in crafting levels for a casual mobile game with a Free to Play model. This also gave a lot of understanding on how Free to Play models effect level design as well as how to balance pacing in gameplay for a handheld device.

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Architectural Visualization

3D Modeling, Texturing, Lighting and Cinematics

  • Designed and developed interiors for two architectural visualization projects on Unreal Engine 4. I learned how to better present interior spaces and tell stories using different props.


  • Created environment art and implemented lighting for both projects. Here, creating art involves modelling, unwrapping, texturing and lighting.


  • Edited the final video outputs on Adobe Premiere Pro. I learned how to edit videos as per client requirements and the software itself.


  • Collaborated and negotiated contracts with two clients. I worked with two clients who were representatives from construction companies far from any gaming or 3D technology. This helped me learn how to establish and manage communication with clients of this nature, control expectations, understand negotiations and contracts and help them achieve their needs of architecture visualization.

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