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Initial Research

When it comes to judging objects and their distance from yourself. In other words, depth perception is a tricky thing that is done so efficiently by our eyes that they make it look so easy. But for some people, this particular aspect of perception is broken by the misalignment of the eyes themselves resulting in double vision. For most people, their eyes adapt by their brain ignoring one of the eyes.

Therefore, the distance between both of your eyes should be taken into account.

As for the different test settings, its only a matter of collecting materials, modelling the required assets and putting them together.

This research project helped me understand and employ the rigid scientific standards of testing for user experience.

The Solution and The Reasoning


Roles: UX Researcher and Usability Testing

The Challenge

Design test settings based on the parameters given by the researcher client in order to test the effects of Strabismus in Virtual Reality. These test settings are different locations with different objects and lighting. There are three objects that are constant throughout the tests. The user, while wearing the Virtual Reality Headset, has to scale these objects and confirm the right size. This measures the depth perception of the user.

Time to break it down (Inner Monologue Time)

  • Location 1 - A square room with fluorescent light. The room has a table in the centre where one of three objects will placed.

  • Location 2 - An empty space with just the objects floating in the air with a spotlight shining down on them. 

  • Location 3 - An Alleyway, wherein the the object is at one end and the user is at the other end. The lighting here is to simulate a sunny day with clear skies.

  • Location 4 - An empty road with with visible horizon and the objects will be floating in the air aligning themselves with the horizon. The user will be standing opposite to it. The lighting here will be similar to the previous one.


Final Product

As mentioned before there are 4 locations. Each location has three the aforementioned three objects to test the depth perception. The user wears the headset, in this particular case, HTC Vive and its wireless controllers are being used. The user then scales the one of the three objects back and forth until he or she thinks that the object is of the right size.

Once the user is sure, he or she can confirm and move on to the next location. So, on and on it goes. 

At the end of it, the tests are designed to store the results in a text document with name and all the values and parameters given by the client. The name is taken by the researcher in the beginning of the test and entered on the screen of a computer. From here, the researcher controls the test.

The above mentioned output can be used directly by the client in order to do the statistical analysis of the data.


The Square Room

The Square Room

The Empty Space

The Empty Space

The Alleyway

The Alleyway

The Landscape

The Landscape

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